What You Need to Know About Breast Enlargement Surgery

Before you start looking for a breast lift surgeon in Melbourne read ahead for some basic but necessary information about breast augmentation.


In any kind of surgical procedure proper communication between the surgeon and his patient is always important and ideal. The same is true for breast enlargement surgery. In fact, because of the cosmetic nature of the procedure, it is doubly important to communicate exactly what you want to your physician. A good surgeon will initiate open communication with you to figure out what you expect from your implants but it is also to come prepared with pictures or materials of the kind of look you are going for.


The “devices” as they are referred to medically have come a long way in terms of variety.

  • FILL: There are basically two types of implants: saline-filled and gel-filled implants. Saline filled implants have been around much longer and are more common than cohesive gel-filled implants. One reason for the preference is that saline-filled implants can be inserted onto the breast through smaller incisions as compared to cohesive gel-filled implants that require an incision of at least 4.5cm. The advantage of gel-filled implants though is that they keep their shape better and are less likely than saline-filled implants to rupture.
  • IMPLANT SHAPE: Implants can either be round or tear-drop shaped. The tear-drop shaped implants are also referred to as anatomical implants because of the natural shape they give the breasts. Even though anatomical implants look more natural, a lot of surgeons would rather avoid the procedure because it is more technically complicated than inserting a round implant.
  • TEXTURE: Implants can either be smooth or textured. Textured implants were designed to be able to stay in place better.
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Underneath your breast is a fan-shaped chest muscle called the pectoral muscle. breast augmentation procedures Melbourne may be inserted right behind the breast or under this chest muscle.


  • INFRAMAMMARY FOLD INCISION: The incision is made on the underside of the breast.
  • AXILLARY: The incision will be made close to the fold where your armpits meet your breasts. If the kind of implant chosen will allow a surgeon may prefer this type of incision because it allows the scar to be quite hidden.
  • AREOLA: A cut is made on the underside of the nipple.
  • UMBILICAL INCISION: Some implants like saline-filled ones may be inserted through an incision made below the umbilicus more commonly known as the belly button.


What would the purpose of breast enlargement be if not for the increase in size? Arguably the most important factor in breast enhancement and breast reduction surgery in Melbourne, size is not that straight forward. Bigger is NOT always better. Surgeons always caution their patients to choose implants based on the overall symmetry it adds to the body and not based on size alone. The same size implants for example would look completely different in a woman who is 6’2” and a woman who is 5 feet.


Although your surgeon will try his best to create symmetry as best as possible it is the nature of the woman’s breasts to be quite asymmetric. This is to be expected and should only cause alarm if the difference is significant or if one of the breasts seems to be bigger due to inflammation.

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You have to consider that breast enlargement surgery is still a surgical procedure and will have all the risks associated with surgical procedures. It is best to make preparations before the operation and make arrangements for post-operative care. If you are considering breast surgery then you could also consider a reconstructive breast surgery after cancer in Melbourne.

For more information contact one of the most reputable plastic surgeons in Melbourne – Mark Ashton.

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