Hamstring Injuries can Occur to Individuals of any Age

A hamstring strain can occur in anyone, from children and seniors to elite athletes. The hamstring includes one of three muscle groups that extend along the back of the thigh. A hamstring injury is heralded by a sudden, sharp pain in the back of the thigh that can extend into the buttock and the individual may experience a tearing or “popping” sensation.

Hamstring injuries can be accompanied by swelling, bruising, muscle weakness, and the inability to straighten the leg without pain or place weight on the affected leg. The injury most often occurs as a result of:

  • Improper warm up before engaging in exercise or sports
  • A prior hamstring injury
  • Poor pelvic control
  • Lower back problems Adelaide
  • Weak glutes or tight quadriceps
  • Poor flexibility
  • Muscle imbalance
  • Kicking or sprinting
  • Gaits in which the individual over strides
  • Overly fatigued hamstring muscles
  • Wet or slippery surfaces that increase the risk of slipping

hamstring strain Adelaide is more likely to occur during sports activities that require jumping, running, and fast or explosive starts and stops, along with sudden changes in direction. It’s essential that individuals engaged in those types of activities have footwear that provides proper support.

Preventative measures are the best option, but once a hamstring strain has already occurred, it can usually be addressed at home with rest, application of ice to the affected area and the use of a cane or crutches. The leg will need to be rested and elevated and a compression wrap may be prescribed.

A medical expert or physical therapist specializing in sports medicine and similar types of injuries are the best sources of preventative measures and treatment. He/she can show individuals how to perform specific exercises to strengthen the muscles, improve flexibility and avoid additional injury such as ankle sprains Eastwood and shin splints Adelaide. If the injury is severe and the muscle has become disconnected from surrounding supportive structures, surgery may be indicated.

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Hamstring strain Eastwood can sideline athletes and result in serious interruptions to their training and competitive opportunities. The injury can happen to adults at any level of athletic ability and children in athletic programs, along with junior athletes, cheerleaders and dancers. A hamstring injury can occur anytime and anywhere. The good news is that with an expert medical diagnosis and appropriate physical therapy program, a full recovery can be made.

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